
The EmojiButton class emits the following events:


Fired when an emoji is selected. The callback will receive a single object with one or more of the following properties:

  • custom: This will be true for a custom emoji.
  • emoji: The Unicode emoji character that was selected. This will be included for native and Twemoji emojis, but not for custom emojis.
  • name: The name of the emoji that was selected.
  • url: The URL of the emoji image. This will be included for Twemoji and custom emojis.
const picker = new EmojiButton();

picker.on('emoji', selection => {
  alert(`"emoji" event fired, emoji is ${selection.emoji} with name ${}`);


Fired when the picker is hidden.

const picker = new EmojiButton();

picker.on('hidden', () => {
  alert('"hidden" event fired');